Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jinxed Myself

I guess I jinxed myself with that last post about how lucky I am this time around not having any morning sickness. Monday wasn't a great day for me, I woke up feeling nauseous. Ate some crackers and ginger ale, hoping it would pass. It never did. I struggled to make it with Kenna until Joe got home from working around noon that day. As soon as he came in, it was nap time for Kenna, so I put her down and laid down myself. I woke up a few hours later and threw up. The first time I have thrown up during this pregnancy. I felt a little better and was hopeful I would still be able to take the kids trick or treating that night. Joe picked Gav up from school and brought him home, we had some sandwiches then put on the kids costumes and headed out for trick or treating. I felt pretty normal during all of this. Our trick or treating lasted a good 2 hours, and when we got home I immediately started feeling ill again. After the kids were in bed, I went to bed too (at about 8:30pm). I woke up at midnight when Joe came to bed, feeling even more nauseous and running a super high fever. I stumbled my way into the bathroom and threw up. Feeling extremely dehydrated, I drank a bunch of water and went back to bed. From that point on, I was up every hour and half, throwing up and drinking more water, praying for 7am to roll around so I could go to the hospital and get some relief. The sun finally came up, we got Gav to school, Joe called into work, and we went to the ER. I literally felt like I had the flu. I was so nauseous and exhausted and my whole body was aching. They gave me an IV which immediately made me feel more alive, some pain medicine for my headache, some nausea meds, and some antibiotics. Turns out I had a UTI and some kind of virus.

Yesterday was a little better, but today I feel 100x better! Thank God :)

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