Monday, September 24, 2012


Our sweet baby Jax passed away this morning. He had been pretty sick for the past few days; vomiting, not eating/drinking etc. We took him to the vet yesterday and they did a parvo test on him which came back negative. The vet wanted to hospitalize him because he was very dehydrated but we just don't have the money to hospitalize him. We got an antibiotic, de worming medication, vitamins to rub on his gums, and nausea medicine. He seemed to be doing better last night, he stopped throwing up and was able to keep some pedialyte down so we thought he would continue getting better. But when we woke up this morning, he refused to drink or eat. He wouldn't even swallow pedialyte through a syringe. Then he became lifeless, couldn't stand, walk, or open his mouth on his own. It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. He eventually just passed away in his sleep. No pain, no suffering, he is in a better place now.

Even though we only had you for a short time, Jax, you made a big impression.
We will miss you dearly, sweet baby. RIP

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